Q&A for Certificate of Residence (COR)

Q&A for Certificate of Residence (COR)

Email: bkk4ww@evershinecpa.com
Manager Paul, Speaks Thai and English
WeChat: Paul0864580532

Question from client:
With which countries does the Thailand have DTA (Double Tax Agreement) to avoid double taxation?

Answer from Evershine RD:

Armenia Finland Mauritius Spain
Australia France Myanmar Sri Lanka
Austria Germany Nepal Sweden
Bahrain Hong Kong Netherlands Switzerland
Bangladesh Hungary New Zealand Taiwan
Belarus India Norway Tajikistan
Belgium Indonesia Oman Turkey
Bulgaria Ireland Pakistan Ukraine
Cambodia Israel Philippines United Arab Emirates
Canada Italy Poland United Kingdom
Chile Japan Romania United States
China Korea Russian Uzbekistan
Cyprus Kuwait Seychelles Vietnam
Czech Republic Laos Singapore
Denmark Luxembourg Slovenia
Estonia Malaysia South Africa

Question from client:
Under what circumstances do I need to apply for a Certificate of Thailand tax residence?

Answer from Evershine RD:
Tax residency certificate is crucial for multinational companies when applying for tax benefits under international tax treaties that has double taxation agreements with Thailand.

Question from client:
What is the procedure for applying for a Thailand tax residency certificate? What form should I fill out? What are the required documents? Government website?

Answer from Evershine RD:

  1. You shall apply in writing by submitting a request letter to your respective Revenue Office together with the required supporting documents.
    An example of the request letter can refer to the below link: https://www.rd.go.th/english/25757.html
  1. Supporting documents required are as follows:

* A copy of company’s tax identification card.
* A copy of certificate of incorporation issued by Ministry of Commerce.
* Name, address, and type of business written in English.
* Other relevant documents, if any.
* An authorization letter in case of the taxpayer authorizes other person to act on behalf.

Contact Us

Bangkok Evershine BPO Service Limited Corp.
Email: bkk4ww@evershinecpa.com
Manager Paul, Speaks Thai and English
WeChat: Paul0864580532

For investment structure relevant to multi-national tax planning and Financial & Legal Due Diligence for M&A (Merge and Acquisition), send an email to HQ4bkk@evershinecpa.com
Dale Chen, Principal Partner/CPA in Taiwan+China+UK will be accountable to your case.
LinkedIn address:Dale Chen

Additional Information

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Evershine Potential Serviceable City (2 months preparatory period):
Evershine CPAs Firm is an IAPA member firm headquartered in London, with 300 member offices worldwide and approximately 10,000 employees.
Evershine CPAs Firm is a LEA member headquartered in Chicago, USA, it has 600 member offices worldwide and employs approximately 28,000 people.
Besides, Evershine is Taiwan local Partner of ADP Streamline ®.
(version: 2024/07)

Please send email to HQ4bkk@evershinecpa.com

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