

1108/31 Sukhumvit Road, Phrakanong, Klongtoey, Bangkok, Thailand 10110
Ploy Lee 泰国籍说中文
Pay Xiao 泰国籍说英文

联络人:苏 玉 燕  副总经理
电话:+886-2-2717-0515 分机:104


文章目录 点击收合



What are the categories of medical devices in Thailand?
What is its official name? What is the intensity of management of different categories?
What is the governmental authority of medical devices? Website?

Evershine RD:


医疗器材分为以下 2 组:




它减少了工作量、成本,并有利于文件的准备。 可分为以下6类:

The Department of Medical Device Supervision is subordinate to the Food and Drug Administration and is responsible for controlling and supervising the operation of medical devices.
Other activities related to medical devices must contact the Food and Drug Administration and comply with regulations.

Medical equipment means:

1.Tools, utensils, machines, objects for insertion into the human body; reagents, products, software or any other product intended for use in humans or animals for testing inside or outside the laboratory.
Whether the manufacturer/owner is using it alone or in combination with anything else, as follows:
. Diagnose, prevent, monitor, treat, alleviate or cure disease.
. Diagnose, monitor, treat, mitigate or treat injury.
. Inspect, replace, correct, modify, or support anatomical, physiological processes of the body
. Support or save lives.
. Contraception or assisted reproduction.

. Assist or assist in compensating for disability.

.  Examination tools used for medical or diagnostic purposes of cadaveric specimens.

. Destroy or sterilize medical equipment.

2.Accessories for use with the medical device of item 1.

3.Tools, appliances, machines, products or other items designated by the Minister as medical devices.

Medical devices are divided into 2 groups:

1.Medical devices used for in vitro diagnosis

. Class 1: Low risk to humans and public health.

. Class II: Moderate risk to humans and public health.

. Class III: High risk to humans or moderate risk to public health.

. Class IV: High risk to human and public health.

2.Non-in vitro diagnostic medical devices

. Class 1: Low-risk medical devices.

. Class II: Low-grade medical devices with moderate risk.

. Class III: High-level medical devices with moderate risk.

. Class IV: High-risk medical devices.


. Manufacturers or importers of Class I low-risk medical devices, veterinary medical devices, require advance notice.

. Manufacturers or importers of Class II and III medium-risk medical devices need to give detailed notice in advance.

. Manufacturers or importers of Class IV high-risk medical devices need to be licensed.

Grouping of medical devices is the grouping of similar-looking medical devices together and registered in the application. It reduces effort, cost, and facilitates document preparation. It can be divided into 6 categories:
.IVD Test Kit
.IVD Cluster






If a foreign company wants to sell medical devices in Thailand, no matter if it sets up a 100% subsidiary or branch, does it need to obtain an approval from local health bureau before the company’s registration?
If so, what are the requests? What are the required documents and application procedures? Website?

Evershine RD:


  1. 是申请设立登记证的企业主。
  2. 年龄不低于二十岁。
  3. 在泰国有住所。
  4. 不是破产者。
  5. 从未因法律规定的失信行被终审判决判处有期徒刑;或违反本法的罪行,除非在登记之日前已通过处罚两年以上。
  6. 不是精神不健全者。
  7. 没有法律规定的疾病。
  8. 製造或进口的医疗器材之生产、控制、保存符合法律中规定的品质。
  9. 未与被吊销或登记证一年内未补办的商业名称、登记人相同或者近似。
  10. 非依本法被吊销登记证者。
  11. 从未依本法被吊销登记证,除非在申请设立登记之日起撤销满两年以上。


Anyone wishing to manufacture or import medical devices must register with a business registration, and the application for registration must comply with legal rules, procedures and conditions:

  1. Be the business owner applying for the establishment registration certificate.
  2. Not less than twenty years old.
  3. Domicile in Thailand.
  4. Not bankrupt.
  5. Has never been sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment by a final judgment for dishonest acts stipulated by law; or a crime against this law, unless the punishment has been passed for more than two years before the date of registration.
  6. Not mentally disabled.
  7. There are no legally defined diseases.
  8. The production, control and preservation of medical devices manufactured or imported conform to the quality stipulated in the law.
  9. Not the same or similar to the business name or registrant whose registration certificate has not been reissued within one year.
  10. Those whose registration certificate has been revoked not in accordance with this Act.
  11. The registration certificate has never been revoked in accordance with this act, unless it has been revoked for more than two years from the date of application for establishment registration.

Manufacturers or importers who apply and are licensed in accordance with the regulations are considered sellers and do not need to submit a separate application for sales authorization.





If a foreign company wants to sell medical devices in Thailand, can it assign a Thailand company to act as a business agent?
What are the requests for acting as a business agent?
What are the required documents and application procedures?
What is the product liability of foreign companies and the business agents? Website?

Evershine RD:



  1. 企业者
  2. 年龄不低于二十岁。
  3. 在泰国有住所。
  4. 不是破产者。
  5. 从未因法律规定的失信行被终审判决判处有期徒刑;或违反本法的罪行,除非在登记之日前已通过处罚两年以上。
  6. 不是精神不健全者。
  7. 没有法律规定的疾病。
  8. 不得使用与处于暂停营业登记证或者暂停营业期间的营业所登记人或被许可人的业务名称相同或者近似的商业名称
  9. 不是根据本法被吊销执照的人
  10. 从未根据本法被吊销执照,除非许可证在提交申请之日前被吊销两年以上
  11. 具有规定的销售质量体系
  12. 有符合规定的销售主管
  13. 法人申请许可时,经营业务的法人经理或代表必须具备上述资格。


  1. 控制和监督医疗器材生产、进口或者销售业务符合规定的质量。
  2. 安排人员监督医疗器材的製造、进口或销售,并监督该人员完全履行职责。
  3. 製作、进口或者销售医疗器材的报告供主管检查并根据规定向主管机关许可人提交报告。
  4. 製作医疗器材异常性能报告,或与消费者发生的不良事件,并向主管机关报告该医疗器材使用安全的改正措施,无论其在国内外是否出现异常性能或发生此类事件,均需要按照主管机关公佈的规则、程序和条件执行。
  5. 提供投诉渠道,製作製造、进口或销售有关的投诉管理系统、投诉记录且根据部长订定的规则、程序和条件以供主管机关检查。
  6. 提供医疗器材产地标誌、进口地、销售地或储存地在显眼处。视主管机关规定的规则、程序和条件设立登记证、执照。
  7. 生产地、进口地、销售地点的显眼地方须标示医疗器材控制者的姓名和资格。
  8. 在显眼的地方展示登记证、医疗器材销售许可证于规定位置上。
  9. 提供医疗器材质量、标准、功效和安全性的技术文件供检验。

Anyone wishing to sell medical devices should apply for a license, and after obtaining the license, the medical equipment can be sold in accordance with the rules prescribed by law.
Manufacturers or importers who apply and are licensed of business registration in accordance with the regulations are considered sellers and do not need to submit a separate application for sales authorization.

Conditions for applying for a medical device sales license:

  1. Entrepreneur
  2. Not less than twenty years old.
  3. Have a domicile in Thailand.
  4. Not bankrupt.
  5. Has never been sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment by a final judgment for dishonest acts prescribed by law; or a crime against this law, unless the penalty has been passed for more than two years before the date of registration.
  6. Not mentally disabled.
  7. There are no diseases prescribed by law.
  8. Not to use a business name that is the same as or similar to the business name of the registrant or licensee of the establishment that is in the period of suspension of business registration or suspension of business
  9. Not a person whose license has been revoked under this Act
  10. Has never had a license revoked under this Act unless the license was revoked more than two years prior to the date of filing the application
  11. Have a prescribed sales quality system
  12. Have a qualified sales executive
  13. When a legal person applies for a license, the manager or representative of the legal person operating the business must have the above qualifications.

Responsibilities of Institutional Registrants and Licensees:

  1. Control and supervise the quality of medical equipment production, import or sales.
  2. Assign a person to supervise the manufacture, import or sale of medical equipment and supervise that person to perform their duties fully.
  3. The report on the production, import or sale of medical equipment is to be inspected by the competent authority and the report shall be submitted to the competent authority licensor according to regulations.
  4. Make a report on abnormal performance of medical devices or adverse events with consumers, and report to the competent authority the corrective measures for the safety of the use of the medical device, regardless of whether abnormal performance or such events occur at home and abroad The rules, procedures and conditions published by the competent authority are enforced.
  5. To provide channels for complaints, to make a complaint management system related to manufacture, import or sale, record complaints and make them available for inspection by the competent authorities in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions established by the Minister.
  6. Provide the medical device’s place of origin, import, sale or storage in a conspicuous place. Registration certificates and licenses are established in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions prescribed by the competent authority.
  7. The name and qualifications of the controller of the medical device must be marked in a conspicuous place at the place of production, import and sale.
  8. Display the registration certificate and medical equipment sales license in a conspicuous place in the specified position.
  9. Provide technical documentation of medical device quality, standard, efficacy and safety for inspection.





Do foreign companies need to apply for an approval before importing medical devices sold to Thailand?
If yes, which authority is in charge? What documents are required? What is the application process?
Do medical devices packaging and labeling require prior approval?
In addition to Thailand language, which other languages ​​are allowed? Website?

Evershine RD:










































  1. 需要贴上国外和国内製造商的标籤、和符合公共卫生部通知的标籤
  2. 包装盒标籤(贴在产品盒上的标籤):需标示型号名称



  1. 医疗器材详细资讯需取自製造商的标籤、用户手册。
  2. 医疗设备文件是显示产品详细讯息(例如设备特性)。
  3. 产品包装​​盒内应包含医疗用途、使用适应症、使用说明、警告、注意事项等说明。

Apply for product registration to the Food and Drug Administration in accordance with the medical device risk classification and obtain sales authorization: submit the application electronically until the licensing process is completed, and obtain a manufacturing/imported medical device sales certificate.

  1. Class I low-risk medical equipment and veterinary medical equipment.

. Manufacturing/importing company registration number

. Business Power of Attorney

. Medical device name, label, product specification file

. Foreign registered historical documents

. Proof of sterility test for production or import of medical devices

. Documentation of the manufacture or import of medical devices for measurement, testing or calibration

. Product conformity certificate issued by the manufacturer or product owner

. Power of Attorney for the product owner to act as an agent for import application

  1. Class II and III medium-risk medical devices

. Manufacturing/importing company registration number

. Business Power of Attorney

. Details of medical device name, label, product specification, manufacturing content and product owner

. Documents for Medical Device Safety and Performance

. Document summarizing design verification and validation

. Documents for Risk Analysis

. Documents on the method of destruction, deterioration or elimination of waste generated after use

. quality certificates

. How the manufacturer or product owner made it, purpose of use, directions, packaging, labeling

. Product Certificate of Conformity issued by the manufacturer or product owner

. Proof of sales history from distributor manufacturer or product owner

. Product manufacturer or owner certificate certifying safety

. Certificate of approval from foreign food and drug administrations

. Power of Attorney for Import Application

  1. Class IV high-risk medical devices

. Manufacturing/importing company registration number

. Business Power of Attorney

. Detailed documents such as medical device name, label, product specification, manufacturing content and product owner

. Documentation of Medical Device Safety and Performance

. Document summarizing design verification and validation

. Risk Analysis Documents

. Documents on the method of destruction, deterioration or elimination of waste generated after use

. quality certificates

. How the manufacturer or product owner made it, purpose of use, instructions, packaging, labelling

. Product conformity certificate issued by the manufacturer or product owner

. Proof of sales history from the distributor manufacturer or product owner

. Product manufacturer or owner certificate certifying safety

. Certificate of Foreign Food and Drug Administration License

. Power of Attorney for Import Application

Device Labeling specification:

  1. Labeling of foreign and domestic manufacturers, and labels in compliance with Ministry of Public Health notices
  2. Box label (label attached to the product box): need to indicate the model name

. For Home Use: Written in Thai according to the subject matter required by law.

. Professional Use: Written in English or Thai depending on the subject matter required by law.

  1. The detailed information of the medical device should be taken from the manufacturer’s label, user manual.
  2. The medical device file is to display product details (eg device characteristics).
  3. The product packaging box should contain instructions for medical use, indications for use, instructions for use, warnings, precautions, etc.






Can a foreign company apply for a product license by its own name? If yes, which authority is in charge?
What documents are required? What is the application process?
Do medical devices packaging and labeling require prior approval?
In addition to Thailand language, which other languages ​​are allowed? Website?

Evershine RD:


  1. 是申请设立登记证的企业主。
  2. 年龄不低于二十岁。
  3. 在泰国有住所。
  4. 不是破产者。
  5. 从未因法律规定的失信行被终审判决判处有期徒刑;或违反本法的罪行,除非在登记之日前已通过处罚两年以上。
  6. 不是精神不健全者。
  7. 没有法律规定的疾病。
  8. 製造或进口的医疗器材之生产、控制、保存符合法律中规定的品质。
  9. 未与被吊销或登记证一年内未补办的商业名称、登记人相同或者近似。
  10. 非依本法被吊销登记证者。
  11. 从未依本法被吊销登记证,除非在申请设立登记之日起撤销满两年以上。


  1. 需要贴上国外和国内製造商的标籤、和符合公共卫生部通知的标籤
  2. 包装盒标籤(贴在产品盒上的标籤):需标示型号名称



  1. 医疗器材详细资讯需取自製造商的标籤、用户手册。
  2. 医疗设备文件是显示产品详细讯息(例如设备特性)。
  3. 产品包装​​盒内应包含医疗用途、使用适应症、使用说明、警告、注意事项等说明。

Anyone wishing to manufacture or import medical devices must register with a business registration, and the application for registration must comply with legal rules, procedures and conditions:

  1. Be the business owner applying for the establishment registration certificate.
  2. Not less than twenty years old.
  3. Domicile in Thailand.
  4. Not bankrupt.
  5. Has never been sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment by a final judgment for dishonest acts stipulated by law; or a crime against this law, unless the punishment has been passed for more than two years before the date of registration.
  6. Not mentally disabled.
  7. There are no legally defined diseases.
  8. The production, control and preservation of medical devices manufactured or imported conform to the quality stipulated in the law.
  9. Not the same or similar to the business name or registrant whose registration certificate has not been reissued within one year.
  10. Those whose registration certificate has been revoked not in accordance with this Act.
  11. The registration certificate has never been revoked in accordance with this act, unless it has been revoked for more than two years from the date of application for establishment registration.

Device Labeling specification:

  1. Labeling of foreign and domestic manufacturers, and labels in compliance with Ministry of Public Health notices
  2. Box label (label attached to the product box): need to indicate the model name

. For Home Use: Written in Thai according to the subject matter required by law.

. Professional Use: Written in English or Thai depending on the subject matter required by law.

  1. The detailed information of the medical device should be taken from the manufacturer’s label, user manual.
  2. The medical device file is to display product details (eg device characteristics).
  3. The product packaging box should contain instructions for medical use, indications for use, instructions for use, warnings, precautions, etc.







What documents are required when importing approved medical devices into Thailand?
What is the procedure? Any preparation is required to submit to the Ministry of Health and Welfare for selling products? Website?

Evershine RD:



  1. 企业者
  2. 年龄不低于二十岁。
  3. 在泰国有住所。
  4. 不是破产者。
  5. 从未因法律规定的失信行被终审判决判处有期徒刑;或违反本法的罪行,除非在登记之日前已通过处罚两年以上。
  6. 不是精神不健全者。
  7. 没有法律规定的疾病。
  8. 不得使用与处于暂停营业登记证或者暂停营业期间的营业所登记人或被许可人的业务名称相同或者近似的商业名称9. 不是根据本法被吊销执照的人
  9. 从未根据本法被吊销执照,除非许可证在提交申请之日前被吊销两年以上
  10. 具有规定的销售质量体系
  11. 有符合规定的销售主管
  12. 法人申请许可时,经营业务的法人经理或代表必须具备上述资格。


  1. 承诺书
  2. 请求销售同意书(经销商)
  3. 委託书(製造商或进口商)
  4. 医疗器材销售授权书
  5. 地图(详细描述医疗器材销售、仓储地点的路程)
  6. 销售及仓储照片

.医疗器材销售的橙色标誌(尺寸不小于 20×70 厘米,并以白色泰文显示不少于 3 厘米)
.医疗器材存放场所标誌的红色标誌(尺寸不小于 20×70 厘米,并以白色泰文显示不少于 3 厘米)

  1. 销售医疗器材标誌的申请书
  2. 医疗器材储存设施的同意书


  1. 控制和监督医疗器材生产、进口或者销售业务符合规定的质量。
  2. 安排人员监督医疗器材的製造、进口或销售,并监督该人员完全履行职责。
  3. 製作、进口或者销售医疗器材的报告供主管检查并根据规定向主管机关许可人提交报告。
  4. 製作医疗器材异常性能报告,或与消费者发生的不良事件,并向主管机关报告该医疗器材使用安全的改正措施,无论其在国内外是否出现异常性能或发生此类事件,均需要按照主管机关公佈的规则、程序和条件执行。
  5. 提供投诉渠道,製作製造、进口或销售有关的投诉管理系统、投诉记录且根据部长订定的规则、程序和条件以供主管机关检查。
  6. 提供医疗器材产地标誌、进口地、销售地或储存地在显眼处。视主管机关规定的规则、程序和条件设立登记证、执照。
  7. 生产地、进口地、销售地点的显眼地方须标示医疗器材控制者的姓名和资格。
  8. 在显眼的地方展示登记证、医疗器材销售许可证于规定位置上。
  9. 提供医疗器材质量、标准、功效和安全性的技术文件供检验。

Anyone wishing to sell medical devices should apply for a license, and after obtaining the license, the medical equipment can be sold in accordance with the rules prescribed by law.
Manufacturers or importers who apply and are licensed of business registration in accordance with the regulations are considered sellers and do not need to submit a separate application for sales authorization.

Conditions for applying for a medical device sales license:

  1. Entrepreneur
  2. Not less than twenty years old.
  3. Have a domicile in Thailand.
  4. Not bankrupt.
  5. Has never been sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment by a final judgment for dishonest acts prescribed by law; or a crime against this law, unless the penalty has been passed for more than two years before the date of registration.
  6. Not mentally disabled.
  7. There are no diseases prescribed by law.
  8. Not to use a business name that is the same as or similar to the business name of the registrant or licensee of the establishment that is in the period of suspension of business registration or suspension of business 9. Not a person whose license has been revoked under this Act
  9. Has never had a license revoked under this Act unless the license was revoked more than two years prior to the date of filing the application
  10. Have a prescribed sales quality system
  11. Have a qualified sales executive
  12. When a legal person applies for a license, the manager or representative of the legal person operating the business must have the above qualifications.

Information provided for registration of medical device sales enterprises:

  1. Commitment
  2. Request for Sales Consent (Dealer)
  3. Power of Attorney (Manufacturer or Importer)
  4. Medical Device Sales Authorization
  5. Map (describe in detail the distance of medical device sales and storage locations)
  6. Sales and Warehousing Photos

.Photos from a distance

.Shop sign


.Orange sign for sale of medical device (dimensions not less than 20×70 cm and not less than 3 cm displayed in white Thai)

.Red sign for medical device storage place sign (dimensions not less than 20×70 cm and not less than 3 cm displayed in white Thai)

.Photo to the medical device sales office

.Medical device  sales office opening photo

.Photo inside the medical device sales office area

.photo leading to the medical device  storage area

.Photo of a sign of an area where medical device is stored

.Photo of medical device  storage room with a device for storing tools (eg: shelf, tray, or refrigerator, etc., with signage)

.If there are many floors in the building, each picture must indicate which floor of the office used for the sale and storage of medical device is located

.Can be described with multiple pictures

.Can give additional images to describe more clearly

  1. Application for Sale of Medical Device Mark
  2. Consent for Medical Device Storage Facility

Responsibilities of Institutional Registrants and Licensees:

  1. Control and supervise the quality of medical equipment production, import or sales.
  2. Assign a person to supervise the manufacture, import or sale of medical equipment and supervise that person to perform their duties fully.
  3. The report on the production, import or sale of medical equipment is to be inspected by the competent authority and the report shall be submitted to the competent authority licensor according to regulations.
  4. Make a report on abnormal performance of medical devices or adverse events with consumers, and report to the competent authority the corrective measures for the safety of the use of the medical device, regardless of whether abnormal performance or such events occur at home and abroad The rules, procedures and conditions published by the competent authority are enforced.
  5. To provide channels for complaints, to make a complaint management system related to manufacture, import or sale, record complaints and make them available for inspection by the competent authorities in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions established by the Minister.
  6. Provide the medical device’s place of origin, import, sale or storage in a conspicuous place. Registration certificates and licenses are established in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions prescribed by the competent authority.
  7. The name and qualifications of the controller of the medical device must be marked in a conspicuous place at the place of production, import and sale.
  8. Display the registration certificate and medical equipment sales license in a conspicuous place in the specified position.
  9. Provide technical documentation of medical device quality, standard, efficacy and safety for inspection.




泰国医疗器材审核机构,需要附上的实验室检验资料有哪些? 网页?

What are the laboratory inspection materials that need to be attached for verification? Website?

Evershine RD:


  1. 医疗器材製造企业註册证
  2. 认证医疗器材的内容




  1. 认证医疗器材的范围(泰语、英语)
  2. 申请认证范围内的员工人数、工作日、工作时间、换班次数
  3. 被认证医疗器材的风险等级(
  4. 各种质量体系认证(例如:国外GMP认证、ISO认证)
  5. 机构内流程(全线生产+设计与开发/全线生产但不包括设计和开发/重新包装)
  6. 质量体系相关内容



  1. 承诺书:遵守依循医疗器材管制司的规定和条件设置、被设置或修改,以及缴交相关认证审核费用。

10 同意书:同意医疗器材管理部门的官员或企业审查单位随时检查。

  1. 附上供审议的证据和文件如下:



















Registration of medical devices in Thailand requires certification of Good Manufacturing Practice or its equivalent in Quality System Management.
Documents required for Good Practice Certification:

  1. Medical Device Manufacturing Enterprise Registration Certificate
  2. Contents of certified medical devices

. Medical device manufacturing address

. Telephone

. manufacturer

  1. Scope of certified medical devices (Thai, English)
  2. The number of employees, working days, working hours, and shift times within the scope of the certification application
  3. Risk level of certified medical devices (
  4. Various quality system certifications (for example: foreign GMP certification, ISO certification)
  5. In-house processes (full production + design and development/full production but excluding design and development/repackaging)
  6. Contents related to quality system

. Contact (should represent management or someone with knowledge of the organization’s quality system)

. Name, title, phone, mobile, email, address

  1. Commitment: To comply with the regulations and conditions of the Medical Device Control Department to set, be set or modified, and pay the relevant certification and audit fees.

10 Consent letter: Agree to inspect at any time by officials of the medical device management department or the enterprise review unit.

  1. The evidence and documents attached for consideration are as follows:

. Manufacturing enterprise registration certificate copy

. Legal person registration certificate

. Approval of medical device or quality system (if any)

. 1 copy of the location map and internal map of the medical equipment manufacturer

. Medical Devices and Department Relations

. Manufacturing process diagram and 2 sets of certified medical device products

. Quality Manual

. 1 set of operating rules standard or manual

. Monitoring and Controlling Environmental Factors Affecting Product Quality

. Production and Operational Services

. Services, Measurement Procedures and Materials Used

. Validation of confirmation process

. Product identification and product inspection

. traceability

. product storage

. Testing Instrument Control

. Internal review

. Control of non-conforming products






After a foreign subsidiary imports medical devices and entrusts a distributor in Thailand to sell it, does the distributor need a medical devices business license?
What are the respective responsibilities of foreign subsidiaries and distributors if cosmetic products have quality defects?
Is it joint liability? Or can the responsibility of the foreign subsidiary be regulated?

Evershine RD:


  1. 以书面形式向领有许可证者发出命令,令其修正。
  2. 以书面形式向製造商、进口商、销售商或持有医疗器材使用的人发出命令,令其改进製造、进口、销售或拥有的医疗器材。
  3. 书面责令医疗器材生产企业、进口企业或者销售企业停止生产、进口或者销售医疗器材,或採取规定的其他相关行动。
  4. 公佈医疗器材检验或者分析结果,并将任何违反或不遵守的行为公告社会。
  5. 向生产者、进口者、销售者或者持有人收取医疗器材,或者责令期限内将其生产、进口或者从市场上售回的医疗器材召回。


In order to protect the health and safety of consumers, the Secretary-General has the power to order the manufacturer or importer of medical devices to submit documents or evidence to prove its quality when it is suspected that any medical devices is of poor quality/performance may be harmful to health.
During the proceedings, the Secretary-General has the right to suspend the production, import or sale of the medical device until it is proved that the medical device is good quality, safe and standard in performance.

The Secretary-General has the powers to:

  1. Issue a written order to the licensed person to amend.
  2. Issue a written order to the manufacturer, importer, seller, or person in possession of the medical device to improve the medical device that it manufactures, imports, sells, or possesses.
  3. Order in writing the medical equipment manufacturer, importer or sales enterprise to stop the production, import or sale of medical equipment, or to take other relevant actions as specified.
  4. Publish the results of medical equipment inspection or analysis, and announce any violation or non-compliance to the public.
  5. Collect medical equipment from producers, importers, sellers or holders, or order the recall of medical equipment produced, imported or sold from the market within the time limit.

The manufacturer, importer or seller of a medical device is liable for any damage caused by the use of the medical device, unless it can be shown that the damage was caused by force majeure, or was not caused by a defect in the medical device, or was caused by the victim’s own fault. For the damage claims mentioned above, including mental damage caused by damage to body or health, the self-injured person has a three-year recourse period after knowing the damage and knowing who should be liable for the damage.




1108/31 Sukhumvit Road, Phrakanong, Klongtoey, Bangkok, Thailand 10110
Ploy Lee 泰国籍说中文
Pay Xiao 泰国籍说英文

联络人:苏 玉 燕  副总经理
电话:+886-2-2717-0515 分机:104


永辉关係企业: 泰国永辉服务有限公司
Evershine Services (Thailand) Co., Ltd
1108/31 Sukhumvit Road, Phrakanong, Klongtoey, Bangkok, Thailand 10110
Bangkok Manager Paul Xiao, who speaks in both English and Thai.
M: +66-(0)852-222-197

柏林; 斯图加特;布拉格;布加勒斯特;班加罗尔;泗水;
永辉潜在可服务城市 (2个月筹备期):
Evershine is local Partner of ADP Streamline® in Taiwan.

请用下列电邮与我们联繫: HQ4TPE@evershinecpa.com

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